Capacity Building Programs for the functionaries of various Departments.

Faculty members serve as vital assets to any institution, imparting unique skills to students that are unparalleled. The implementation of a capacity-building program for faculty becomes instrumental in fortifying their professional growth, given their direct impact on student interaction. This program facilitates an elevation in their teaching proficiency, enabling them to provide more effective guidance in their respective courses. The faculty development program encompasses several key dimensions:

Instructional Development:

This dimension concentrates on refining faculty skills through activities such as small group teaching, and the design of courses and curriculum.

Organizational Development:

Addressing the specific needs and primary concerns of faculty members, this dimension focuses on the broader context of institutional requirements.

Professional Development:

Emphasizing the multifaceted roles of faculty members as researchers, educators, and administrators, this dimension aims to enhance individual professional responsibilities.

Personal Development:

This dimension involves honing the interpersonal and communication skills of faculty members, fostering a holistic approach to their overall growth.


By encompassing these distinct dimensions, the faculty development program contributes significantly to the continuous improvement and effectiveness of faculty members in their roles within the academic institution.